“Keep Voluntary Work Voluntary”


“Please keep voluntary work voluntary. This is your chance to do the right thing for people. Don’t Blow it! Cheers :-)”

Jobseekers, under the new so-called ‘Help to Work Scheme’ starting 28th April 2014, will be forced to do ‘voluntary work’ for six months as a punishment for being unable to find regular work.  

Of course, there is nothing wrong with voluntary work, but this lousy Government wants to force people to work 30 hours a week-and the work may not even be relevant to their career. Jobseekers will not be earning the minimum wage, making this slave labour. Charities will also get fed up with the Scheme as jobseekers could be unreliable as they will have to take time off at short notice to attend interviews, or short term paid work. Some charities, such as Oxfam, the Salvation Army, Scope and Age Concern are already refusing to take part in this scheme and councils, like Liverpool.

Charities should be encouraged to refuse to take part. It would be really bad PR for their charity, and donors are likely to go elsewhere, charities are already hard pressed as it is without this Scheme making matters worse.

For details of the Scheme and charities and organisations refusing to take part see @keepvolvol on Twitter and I have added the link on my website too. If you are not up for stitchy hankerchieves, you will be able to get Keep Voluntary Work Voluntary stickers from @keepvolvol’s website.

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